Tag Archives: Electric Height Adjustable Desks

How Good is your Office Furniture

If I’ve heard my wife say the above statement once, I’ve heard her say it a billion times. In fact, I’ve made similar statements in my “course” of the day – like in the kitchen. I love to cook and know that if you aren’t using quality pans, appliances, and utensils, your work is harder and your results aren’t as pleasing.

We both agree that the truth of the statement is even more vital to work than to play.

When it comes to Office Furniture and Home Office Furniture , equipment, accessories and Supplies, your brain knows (and responds) when you’re serious enough about what you’re doing to demand that your furniture and tools be just as serious about what they’re doing!

In the history of our home business, I’ve worked on the living room couch, at the dining room table, on the deck, at the patio table, even in the bath tub. However, when I’m stationed at a top quality desk like a Jahnke Home Office Computer Desk from Office Furniture Extra (pictured below) and sitting in a chair my body finds most agreeable , like the Ergohuman Mesh Office Chair with Headrest (pictured below), the creativity flows SO MUCH more freely. It’s as though my brain cells say, “She’s serious about this, let’s give her all we’ve got, like a electric height adjustable desk”

like a electric height adjustable desk

Electric Height Adjuable Desk Ergohuman Mesh Office Chair

Since I need….no, let’s make that Since I REALLY need my brain cells to make a call to action more often, I’ve started doing all of my writing and brainstorming at my workcenter.

One of my favorite parts of my workday is when I come across fresh suppliers, online stores, and manufacturers. It’s like finding a new store in the mall you’d never seen before – everythings new and promising. I especially love when my new find is relevant to one of our blogs – then I get to tell others about it. Simply Ergonomic is one you’ll want to check out. Not only do they have beautiful office furniture and accessories, the delivery is included in the price on most products so you don’t get stung at the checkout.

…. Shop some more!

Electric Height Adjustable Desks

Ergonomics is all about choosing something that fits the individual like a Electric Height Adjustable Desk Similar to choosing a suit or a pair of jeans, if the item feels good, then so do you. That’s why ergonomic desks come in all shapes and sizes, taking on board the person and the responsibilities of the job.

The height of a desk or table normally falls within 24 and 27 inches and, with an ergonomic chair, the set-up should be that the user’s lower arms lie horizontally on the armrests, to meet the desk comfortably. But a chair is height adjustable, meaning that if a tall person is sitting in the ergonomic chair, there may be little clearance for the legs under the desk and the forearms may be on a downward slope, as they reach the keyboard. It therefore makes sense that desks are also height-adjustable.

So, when the ergonomic office chair and the height-adjustable desk come together, they should be covering the following points:-

• The legs slide comfortably under the desk and the person’s feet sit firmly on the floor (someone with restricted growth may make use of an ergonomic footrest, to achieve ideal posture)

• The forearms are positioned horizontally, using the armrests for full support, so that hands meet the desk comfortably, without any need to bend the wrists unnaturally

• The monitor is placed directly in front of the user but set back at least 20 inches and its height should be such that the eyes look down ever so slightly, to read the screen. Some ergonomic desks have an extra shelf attached to the back of the desk top, on which a monitor can stand, though getting the eye-to-screen mathematics right is paramount, when making a desk choice. There are also monitor lift arms, which can mount a monitor at the right height for the individual

• The desk is not too deep, that reaching becomes an issue.

Ergonomic desks come in a variety of shapes – the normal rectangular, L shaped, curved front, rounded edges, split level and also with suspended keyboard tray. Height-adjustable tables also cater for work which is better done standing up e.g. looking at plans and pointing to information being discussed, or sorting information into folios or piles where, without that extra height, stooping would be necessary.

Working out what’s right for you may seem a bit of a challenge but, with the above information, you can see what ergonomics is all about. Like that suit or pair of jeans, you now know what you’re looking for.

Whats left is a ergonomic office chair like the Active Ergonomics Flo Chair or the heavy duty Bodybilt chair

Electric Height Adjustable Desks
Electric Height Adjustable Desks